With Christ in the Millennium

December 20, 2024

By Editorial Team


"They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" Revelation 20:4

We are closer to the Lord’s Return than ever before. As the shepherds were waiting for Jesus the first time, we are waiting for him a second time. And He will return just as he said.

The Israel war is one of the warning lights for the Lord’s return. The war has awakened many Jews to salvation in Mashiach Yeshua. Jesus can return anytime now. First the Rapture of the saints in the clouds (1 Thess 4:15-18), then the Tribulation years, after that the Return of Jesus back to the earth for a 1000 years, The Millennial Kingdom, which is our focus in this blog. (Reading Revelation has immense benefits, I suggest you read it once every few months as my mentor advised me.)

Here is a brief Q&A to delve into the Millennial Kingdom, i.e., the 1000 years when Jesus will reign as King over all nations.

Q: Is this for real? Will Lord Jesus physically return to the earth?

A: This is a physical event. The resurrected Jesus who lives in Heaven, seated at the right hand of God, will come back on the clouds. He will come back with the saints who have gone up in the Rapture. It will be a literal Star Wars type event. Various nations on earth will be at war with Israel and almost finishing it off from the face of the earth with nuclear and other bombs (Zech 14, Rev 19). This is when Jesus comes back to the earth with His heavenly armies. This event will be so ethereal that millions of Resurrected saints (who went to Heaven in the rapture) will come back with him. Both OT and NT saints, including our own forefathers, grand parents etc will return to the earth. Jesus will take over the planet and in an hour everything will change (Rev 18:10). Every nation will be subject to Jesus Christ. And satan will be bound and cast into hell for 1000 years. Lord Jesus will rebuild the planet - green, orderly, healthy, every nation prosperous, and billions will know Christ. Jesus, will live in Jerusalem as HQ and rule over all nations. He will still have his wounds in his hands and feet.

The resurrected saints will live and rule with Christ in various countries in civil roles (and pastoral) as Presidents, Prime Ministers, CMs, Mayors, Cabinet, Pastors, Worship leaders etc all reporting to Lord Jesus. This is the real end game of a Christian believer. Not just the life span of some 80-90 years, but One life + 1000 years.

"Son of David" was always meant to rule - Literal, physical reign upon the earth. That is the Jewish hope of the ages, and is spoken of in the Prophets and Psalms most often.

Q: Will every born again believer be a part of this Administrative class?

A: No. Not every believer. But those that have kept the faith till the end and also walked with God. Heb 11 (v39,40) talks about believers who persevered to the end, who will be made perfect together with us. If you are a so-so chap, you won’t be part of this. God wants full grown sons and daughters like Christ to rule the earth, not immature kids. A full understanding of Christ (through the Word of God) and living the Crucified life daily. It is a daily challenge, and sometimes we fall, but still need to stand again. Genesis to Revelation reveal the mind of Christ in its entirety. People who read a few chapters here and there, have no chance to enter into the Fullness of God. Also a ruler, If you don’t know the full law (Bible) what will you judge? How will you direct nations. Please read the full Bible, every book and many times.

One day Peter says to the Lord, we have left everything to come and serve you. Then Jesus says, in the Regeneration/Resurrection, you will sit on 12 Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel along with me (Matt 19:28). This is the Millennial Kingdom.

Q: What is the relevance of this to me today?

A: This is the most relevant part. We need to operate in this Authority now. This authority is given to solve actual problems of cities, roads, nations, courts today. And whenever you declare the Lord's Return, unthinkable things happen. I have dozens and dozens of testimonies. I will share two testimonies briefly.

Some time ago, there was a thick urban forest with hundreds of trees and birds etc in an area of my city. This was supposed to be removed and a huge Mall created there along with an Entertainment complex. This was announced in the papers by the minister. I prayed and the Lord told me, you have the authority; cancel the project. So I declared, “In the Millennial Kingdom, I will be in authority ruling over many matters in this city. I will be reporting to Jesus and I know the Lord’s will. I cancel this Project in Jesus name. The trees cannot be cut.” A few months later, some Environmental and other clearances didn’t come through for this project and it got cancelled. The trees remain. All Glory to Jesus. 

A second miracle is very personal. I was going to catch a plane and took a cab. Midtown, I was stuck badly, because of an India cricket match was going on causing a huge traffic Jam and I was unimaginably late. From there it normally takes an hour to go to the airport and then the check in time etc. The cab driver asked me, Sir should we go home as you won’t make the flight anyways. I told him, I’ll pray and you drive on. I said, Jesus in my Bible reading today, I read about your return many times (Mathew 24,25). It’s a great event. So if you want to take me to the airport, please do, else I go back. Then I sat back and slept, about 10 minutes into it, I briefly woke up and felt like we were cruising in some strange feeling. Then I woke up again and I was at the airport. In 25 minutes we made the distance. The driver was totally shocked and asked me in Kannada, “Sir which God did you pray to?”. In all my 30 years of driving I never experienced anything like this. I told him “Yesu” and gave God the glory.” It was like a time warp for 20 minutes, with strong presence of God in the car.

Please don’t imagine am any super saint, in fact I have more failings than you all. But am writing these to help you know the power of the Lord’s Return. My grandmother was a servant of God and they used to speak a lot about Revelation and the Millennial Kingdom and that’s how I learnt. I for sure want to serve the Lord for a thousand years upon the earth, and I hope you will too.

And Pray for His Return. I daily say, Lord come. His Return too will be an answer to prayer, as it was the first time.

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”

            The Spirit and the bride say Come. Even so Come Lord Jesus. (Rev 22:17,20)

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