People of the second advent

December 19, 2023

By Editorial Team


Jesus in Chosen. Image courtesy: Angel studios

"And shall not God avenge His own elect who cry day and night unto Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, shall He find faith on the earth?" Luke 18: 7, 8

C.H. Spurgeon once said famously that, “We are living between two Advents”. It is true. The events of Jesus first Advent are captured for us in the Gospels, whereas the Second Advent is detailed in the Prophets and Revelation. This December as we look around the war in Israel and the current events, we can surely say that we are closer to the Lord’s Return than ever before. Study the prophets to understand the times and the events that would happen before his return. But suffice it to say that we are so close to His Return that “He is near, at the very door”. (Mt 24:33)

I am using the Lord’s Return as a catch-all phrase that sometimes means the Rapture of the Church and at times the Millennial Kingdom. These are connected events anyway, one following the other eventually.

But I just want to focus your attention and mind on the time that Jesus will be upon the earth again. As we draw close to this Historical event of the Lord’s Return to the earth, we should be talking more about it this Advent season, than the old topics of manger, shepherds and stars. We need to study, discuss and preach this to make ready a people prepared for the Lord, a second time. Please study this topic further, but I want the thought that Jesus is coming back to dwell on the earth for a thousand years to sink in. Perhaps this may happen in our lifetime. Let me tell you a few things he will be doing the second time around.

He is going to come back on the Clouds of Heaven, along with the Resurrected saints and dwell upon the earth for a 1000 years (Zech 14, Rev 19). Jesus will actually live in Jerusalem, but am sure he will have residences in New York, Washington, London, probably Mumbai and maybe Singapore, Beijing or Lagos too. Places that he will conduct Government for each major parts of the world etc. Godly Christians will be Presidents and Prime Ministers of almost all nations. They will bring their Annual budgets and plans to him at Jerusalem and get them reviewed by him. The world will very soon actually walk in the paths of God. Billions will be saved in a very short time. All Israel will be saved, for they will see the Messiah who was pierced for them. I don’t quite know how he will look like, but these will be the identifying marks – wound marks on his hands and nail prints on his feet too. Only one man will have these wounds on earth (Zech 12:10, 13:6).

Jesus will appear on TV, and all public will be able to see him, listen to him speaking again. Just as in the Gospel times, but now He will combine the Offices of a King and Pastor. Can you imagine your Pastor being the Prime Minister or your King being your Pastor. That’s why he is called the Priest after the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 2). The glory of God is that people will fully obey Him this time, nations will listen. And every man will be attentive and walk according to the Word of God. Bible will be a manual for life.

Jesus will wear suits, ethnic clothes, Jeans and T-shirt etc. He will drive cars, sit in planes (not that he needs to), and will be interviewed by BBC, Fox, NBC, media houses etc. His face and words and suggestions will be all over our daily newspapers. Trust me he will be a very fit guy, healthy diet, and daily exercise, running, cycling, swimming, hiking etc. It will be a treat to hang around with him, even more than with James Bond or a football legend or some business celebrity.

It will be a time of unimaginable Peace on earth. And “races long severed will unite”, blacks and whites together, Jew and Arab in harmony and friendship side by side. Israel united, no conflict in Gaza or West bank. The whole of Middle East will be saved, Muslims in billions will come to Christ, and crores of Hindus and Chinese too will be saved. Lion and the lamb will dwell together. Amazon forests will recoup and wildlife will thrive again in Africa. Animals will be safe, and human conflict will be minimal (Isaiah 11).

The world of business will change, no more ultra rich guys, celebs, but people will work for society and share their inventions and software with society. There will be no Bill Gates or Buffet type riches for there won’t be unreasonable wealth. Who knows a school teacher could be earning as much as a CEO. The municipal sanitary worker/ street sweeper could be making as much as an IT Project manager. God’s Kingdom actually recognises the small guys and uplifts them, and also there won’t be so many software people. In fact there will be more environmentalists, musicians, theatre guys, town planners and Literature people, farmers, historians, botanists, archaeologists, social workers, Pastors, Bible teachers etc. Human society will be more balanced. All that COP28 is trying to do in decades to reduce global warming, Jesus will accomplish in 6 months or an year. He made the planet, and He knows all about industrial smoke, car emissions, fossil fuels, and clean energy and the pluses and minuses. What a world it will be. And to top it all, Satan the deceiving spirit will be bound for a Thousand years. And this is the icing on the cake, if you and I were walking with him, we will serve him upon the earth in very important positions (Rev 20).

Beloved this is real, not a myth, it is reality that will come upon the earth suddenly. It is our duty to be prepared and also our duty to pray for the same. As the world gets darker and darker, its our Job to pray the Kingdom now upon the earth. Keep prophesying these things and many things will change. As it says in Daniel 7, the Judgement sat and the Kingdom was given to the saints of the Most High, i.e, Christians. It will be a Righteous world. Justice will roll down like the waters and righteousness like a flowing stream. Sin and filth will be lesser and lesser. This is the true Triumph of Christ upon the earth. Not just forgiveness of sins. Life expectancy will rise to about a 100 years (Isaiah 65:20). It will be truly a new earth when Jesus returns to tend it, almost Heaven upon the earth.

God Himself will dwell upon the earth with humanity, yet once more (Rev 21). Only when these events happen will the mission of Christ upon the earth be complete. Many of us will be there serving Jesus upon the earth, and we will have a glorified body, just like a human body, but one that won’t see disease or death or bullets or whatever. It will be a sinless body forever, what a glorious reality that we will live in, that too upon the earth. If all this sounds fanciful, the entire scripture is fanciful. God created the earth out of nothing, let’s start there… parting the Red sea, 40 years in the wilderness, miracles in the Old Testament, Prophecies, Virgin birth, Jesus miracles, sermons, Cross, Resurrection, Ascension, everything is miraculous and beyond the thought and capability of man. Beloved, such is our portion forever. Look up, for your redemption draweth near.

I close with a very meaningful Hymn, “Sing we the King who is coming to reign”, written by Charles Sylvester Horne (1865-1914), who was an Anglican Reverend and later elected as Liberal MP (to the British Parliament). Wesleyan Symphonic Choir from Ghana.

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