I will build you a house

May 16, 2023

By Editorial Team


"Furthermore I tell you that the LORD will build you a house" 1 Chron 17:10b

Few days ago some of us watched the Coronation of King Charles. Millions across the world keenly followed these events, as the Press put it, it was a once in a generation event. The Coronation was held at Westminster Abbey and was an Anglican service which draws upon the Biblical tradition of Kings being anointed by Prophets and Priests. King Charles was presented a Bible, and told that this is the most precious thing in the world, Read it, its the law of life and wisdom for everything. Then he was stripped of his royal robes, and clad in just a white shirt and anointed behind curtains by Archbishop Justin Welby. Then the robes were put on and he came to be seated as King. The choir sang Zadok the Priest by G.F.Handel and Make a Joyful noise (Psalm 98) by Andrew Lloyd Webber specially composed for this occasion. The sermon readings were from Colossians 1:9-17 and the sermon text was from Luke 4:16-21 where Jesus speaks of his anointing at the synagogue in Nazareth. The Order of service is there on the net and it’s a ceremony worth watching, more from historical and biblical perspectives. For me many Biblical scenes came to life as I saw this.

Even Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit at his baptism by the dove coming upon him and the Audible voice of the Father saying “You are my Beloved son, in you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22). The disciples too were first anointed at Pentecost and then moved out to preach the gospel. Anointing is the Power of the Holy spirit coming upon you to enable you to accomplish your God-given work. We need God’s anointing in our work realms, whether we are teachers, house wives, software engineers, businessmen, social service folks or Pastors or Worship leaders or whatever.

Let’s go back to circa 1000 B.C. Saul the first King of Israel was anointed by Samuel the prophet. But he was a wayward king and was disobedient to God and hence God decided to chose another - David a shepherd boy and Worship leader/musician as the next King of Israel. Again, it was Samuel who anointed a young David in his home in Bethlehem, it was a small ceremony, albeit secret (1 Sam 16). Years passed by and naturally one step after another David got into Saul’s household as a harpist/guitarist, then he slew goliath, then he became an Army division leader. Saul pursued him and wanted to kill him, but God preserved him. Finally Saul dies in battle and then the people come together and ask David to be their King. God’s word comes to pass even through unimaginable trials and close to death encounters. Many of the songs he wrote during those wilderness years, found their way into the book of Psalms and still encourage millions. They are eternal.

David ruled first in Hebron (7years) and then the Kingdom moved HQ to Jerusalem. So here david brings back the Ark into Jerusalem. He institutes 24x7 Worship with twenty four (hourly) teams Worshipping the Lord. All the 24 Team leaders are mentioned in 1 Chronicles 25. Worship was really close to David’s heart. Also he wrote so much about Christ’s coming, these Psalms are called Messianic Psalms (Ps 2, 8, 16, 22, 23, 45, 72) and dozens more. He wins a few battles and then he tells Nathan, that he wants to Build a Permanent place of Worship. i.e. he wants to build Gods house/temple. That night the Word of the Lord came to Nathan, please read 2 Sam 7 (also 1 Chron 17) for this. God returns word – “I will build your house. Not you, but your son will build the Temple. And finally Jesus will come in your family lineage”. These words were momentous, for about 800 years, since Jacob prophesied that the sceptre shall not depart from Judah (Gen 49:10) such words were not uttered by the Holy Spirit about any family. The believers and prophets held on to these words for hundreds of years till Jesus came.

Today we are living in the times of Jesus' Return. If you are building God’s temple, the word for you is the God will build your house and your family. I remember the many times Pastor S.R.Manohar told us, if you are working at preparing the way for the Lord’s Return, this time Christ will come in the line of your family and your ministry. Take these words seriously.

You may be family with children and wondering about their future, God will take care of them. Nurture them in Christ as much as the secular education. My parents did spend a lot of time with me on the Bible and discussions around that. That's why Solomon says in Prov 4, when I was my father's son and tender and the only beloved in the sight of my mother, my dad taught me from the Bible saying.. keep my commandments and live. Receive my sayings and follow them and the years of your life shall be many, these are the right paths. Wisdom is the principal thing etc." (Prov 4: 3-13). Wisdom is nothing but the mind of Christ. In Jesus are hidden all the treasures of wisdom (Col 2:3). Or you could be a young man or a woman, starting life and career, away from your home, trust me, its worth reading the Bible. That's where the Holy Spirit speaks. If you follow God's word, God will build your home and family lifeWalk through life reading the Bible daily, atleast 2-3 chapters, it truly is the law of life and guidance and brings Peace to the troubled soul. It actually gives you health.

Yes God truly build David's line. Solomon messed it up, but David's dynasty lasted 400 years till the captivity in 586 B.C. And then Jesus came and renewed it, and we are all part of that house now. Keep your lamps burning like the wise virgins in Matthew 25. Its your light that the world around you will live by, that is the true light and hope. There is an eternal reward for living for Christ. Today the world reads David's Psalms and takes help in them. Just because one shepherd boy Worshipped Jesus even through pain, betrayals, sicknesses, wars, hunger, loneliness, difficulties and shame. The anointing will come and renew your strength, God will build your house.

I close with the words of Psalm 98 as sung in the Coronation Anthem, by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord for he hath done marvellous things.And his holy arm hath gotten him the victory. He hath remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. O make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth. Make a loud noise; rejoice and sing his praise. Let the sea roar, the world and they that dwell within. Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills be joyful together.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth. Rejoice and sing his praise. For he cometh to judge the earth,. And with righteousness shall he judge the world and the people with equity. O make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth. Sing unto the Lord with the harp and the voice of a psalm. With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord the King.

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